r/UKPolitics Spooky October Survey

In late October 2022, a very spooky survey was put up on r/UKpolitics, and there were 1,629 responses. These are the results:

If there were a GE two days from now, which party would you vote for


Next were a whole pile of questions (too many), where there was no strong difference between party voting:


Eliminating the budget deficit should be an important priority for the govt


I’m optimistic about the future


I will likely have fewer children than I would like due to financial concerns


There should be close to no limits on immigration


Protesting the dairy industry by pouring milk on the floor is immoral: it just wastes more food and minimum wage workers have to clean it up


I approach political issues in as cold and rational way as possible, rather than thinking about the lives of the individuals affected


The govt should boycott the world cup in Qatar due to their human rights abuses


I won’t be watching the world cup in Qatar due to their human rights abuses


Protests like blocking motorways or pouring soup on paintings hurt their causes more than they help them


I’m a feminist


Rishi’s personal wealth doesn’t matter, I’ll judge him based on his policies


The UK is institutionally racist


If I watched a politician I didn’t know give a speech, and they introduced themselves by stating their pronouns, I’d think less of them


Corporate greed is a significant factor in the current levels of high inflation


The market would have reacted at least as badly to any budget by Corbyn as they did to Liz Truss’s budget

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