r/UKPolitics April ’22 survey Results

On April 3rd 2022, a survey was put to the users of /r/UKPolitics, and there were 1753 responses.

How did you vote in the 2019 GE

If there were an election tomorrow, how would you vote?

Next, the participants were given 12 statements, and asked to rank each one on how much they agreed with the statement, 1 meaning strongly disagree, 7 strongly agree.

Three of the statements showed little disagreement between the parties:

“NATO trying to expand into Ukraine is partly to blame for the Russian-Ukrainian conflict”
“I would be happy to see a physical assault on my least favourite MP”
“For people’s own safety, smoking should slowly be phased out and made illegal”


Taking all factors into consideration (house prices, technological advancement, civil rights for women / LGBT etc) life was easier for people born in the UK in 1960 than in 1990


In my head, I apply the idea of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ to people accused of crimes, e.g Prince Andrew


The issue of nuclear waste is a serious concern, if we were to invest more in nuclear power


I would have no issues with calling a trans person by their preferred name & pronouns


It’s reasonable to legislate against people who refuse to call trans people by their preferred name & pronouns


Young women today in the UK have it better than young men


Non white people in the UK today face multiple significant disadvantages compared to white people


I don’t really believe someone if they tell me their gender is non-binary


We could raise taxes on the rich fairly easily without significant negative consequences